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Getting ready for 2015

Timing & Class How are things going for you? The end of the year seems to be a hectic time for many people. If you're one of them, I hope you're sneaking in some time for yourself to recharge, especially over this weekend. Ever since I

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It's all about The Now

New Moon in Sagittarius Quick question for you! Answer with the first thing that pops into your mind. Do NOT overthink this. What's the one thing you've been wanting to do or try, but haven't because you've been saying to yourself, '

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Internal Integrity

October's New Moon Happy New Moon in advance!~ This month's New Moon missive is coming in a little earlier so that you'll have the weekend to prep for it if you want to.  First thing to note, last month's theme of harmony

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Appreciate & Invigorate

The New Moon This September, we get to enjoy a beautiful, creative New Moon in Libra, even though there is some tension in the air. The positive aspects of Libran energy are all about beauty, harmony and balance, so definitely take some time to tap into that at or after

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What's optimal for you?

Hello, how are things with you? We've got a New Moon in Virgo right around the corner, so if you're feeling the urge to clean obsessively, do a hard-core detox *and* fix the world all at the same time, you are totally in sync with the

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High Roads & Magic Wands

Happy New Leo Moon! It's a pretty nice one this month. Even though there are undercurrents of tension (to say the least), it *is* a bit lighter and much more expansive than what we've been having most of this year, so enjoy it! The Strategy Last

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Inspiration & Aspirations

How have you been since the last New Moon? Did you set any intentions, and how did things go? Aspirations Highlighted in the month ahead, is the tension between going for what you want and the external circumstances that you feel are forcing your hand—either you're trying

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Connecting, Your Way

One thing I love about tracking the New Moons is that the core energy of each New Moon is different—a gentle reminder that we can access different expressions of energy, and can tap into them any time we want to, whatever the overall planetary energies may be.  This month,

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What anchors you

How have you been? If you're one of those hit hard by the Pressure Cooker Astro, hang in there. It's challenging for sure, but if you give yourself the chance to step up, when you come out at the other end, you'd have discovered

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Are You Ready?

Happy Astrological New Year! Yup, yet another New Year to celebrate :) This New Year starts when the Sun enters Aries, and a brand new astrological cycle begins. With the New Moon in Aries, energising or inspiring intentions are those related to: * trying out a new sport or physical activity * turning