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A Time for Inspiration

I'm always amazed whenever I realise it's time for another New Moon Missive. What's the rhythm of your life like? Do you feel time flying by too? It's a very watery (emotion-driven) yet action-oriented New Moon, so let's actually DO

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Take a Breather

How has the new year been treating you? Did you make A Plan for Transformation last month? How's that coming along? You might be relieved to hear that this month, you get a brief respite from the energies of massive transformation and innovation. Even though those energies are

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Happy New Moon + 2014!

I'm usually not big on New Year Resolutions, but 2014 is the year to declare a few if you're ever going to do it! Not only is the New Moon happening on New Year's Day, but the planets are also beautifully aligned to help

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Set the Stage for 2014

My sincere apologies for being late this New Moon, I miscounted the days, silly me! Astrologically, it's going to be an interesting couple of months. Here are a few things to keep your eye on for the rest of December: * Whatever you're focusing on this month,

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Unleash a New You

Hello, hello :) How was October for you? I can hardly believe we've hit November already, and we're at yet another New Moon. New Moons are always about new beginnings, and this month, the New Moon is in super transformative Scorpio, with tonnes of supportive vibes from

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Pick Your Battles + Do This Today

Have you been feeling the intensity of this New Moon in Libra? Don't be surprised if you continue to find tempers flaring, emotions running amok, buttons being pushed... there is no release at least for the next week or so. I admit I'd been triggered a

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When the small things count

How has life been treating you? If the past weekend (or last few days) brought up issues you thought long-buried (or perhaps have been ignoring), today's your chance to make some conscious decisions around letting go of that baggage and focusing on what you want to do to

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It's All About YOU

Does time really fly, or is it a sign of aging? Can't quite believe a month has past and we're setting intentions at the New Moon again. This month, the New Moon's in Leo. Gorgeous, fabulous Leo. Sometimes also self-centred Leo ;) It's

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Release & Renew

It's a pretty exciting New Moon this month - it's hanging out with Jupiter and Mercury (retrograde) in Cancer, and creating beautiful connections to Neptune and Saturn. A great time to work with intentions around: * your home - envision a true sanctuary, and start putting it

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Free up your precious mental space

Make a Little Plan to Reclaim Your Energy This month's New Moon is in communicative, chatty Gemini, set in a pressure cooker environment (yes, Pluto+Uranus intensity is up once again). Sounds tough, but the good news: wherever there is tension, there is potential for change, transformation, revolution