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How an Akashic Record reading can help you tap into your soul gifts and change your perspective to live a more intentional life

In this article, I'm going to focus on a particular type of Akashic Record reading – an Akashic Record soul profile reading, or what I call a Soul Portrait (to differentiate it from other kinds of Akashic Record readings). A Soul Portrait is like an MBTI or Enneagram report,

How an Akashic Record reading can help you tap into your soul gifts and change your perspective to live a more intentional life
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New Paths, Soul Connection & It's Okay to Be Me

When clients share their post-reading insights and the changes they've made, I often feel, "More people should hear this!" Because sometimes, when we hear a particular story, told a certain way, something shifts within us—a bubble of desire, an inkling of an idea, a subtle change in perspective.

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Dress Up, Strap In and Go!

New Moon in Leo Happy New Moon in Leo!  How are you doing? Did your pace of life kick up a notch or two in the last couple of weeks? With the Leo New Moon, what you can do for a quick pick-me-up is to glam things up a bit,

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It's Lights, Camera, Action!

New Moon in Cancer Say hello to the New Moon! :) The KEY thing to note is that whichever life area that's been feeling stuck since mid-April, it is getting a move on from now, so get your gear on and be ready to make some moves. Momentum is

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Create New Ways of Thinking

Happy New Moon~ How are you doing today? :)  New Moon in Gemini There are a couple of interesting planetary configurations this New Moon. One pattern sets the stage for stability and practical action, while the other is looking for adaptability, let's-wing-it action. It appears that these energies are

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Re-connect with Your Body

Hello again~ How was your astrological new year? I can't quite believe it's already time to say hi to the Taurus New Moon! New Moon in Taurus Most activities recommended for Taurus moons have to do with the physical, e.g. get a massage, get out

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Start Your Astro-New Year Right!

It's the New Moon in Aries, so... Happy Astro New Year! Kind of weird thinking it's the new year at this point in the year, isn't it? Somehow I love the idea that in at least 7 out of 12 months, some people somewhere

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Be open to divine inspiration

Happy New Moon in Pisces!   Pisces, as with all signs, has qualities that can manifest in both positive and negative ways. For example, Pisces can be very intuitive and inspired, but it can also be escapist and lack discernment. With this New Moon, balance being receptive to what comes your

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Up for some reinvention?

Happy New Moon in Aquarius! It is a powerful New Moon for a reset, to start something off, so let's make the most of it. Tap into this New Moon's energy: * Articulate your vision, part 2. Last month, you created your mid-to-long term vision. Now, detach

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Your wildest dreams

New Moon in Capricorn Happy 2016! How's the new year treating you so far? Personally, the past few weeks have been very difficult, so I'm really looking forward to this New Moon to 'reset' myself emotionally and mentally. This is why I track the