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Your Moment is NOW

Julia Ng
Julia Ng
1 min read

There's no better time to start than right now. 

Any time is a good time to start when you choose to do so. And new moons are always wonderful for starting something new

But today is kind of special. Not only do we get to celebrate a new moon in pure and passionate Aries, Mars is playing right next to this new moon

What's so special about that?

Mars is Aries' ruler, so the power of this new moon is magnified. It gives extra drive, extra power, extra fire to anything you choose to start right now. 

Of course, it is up to you to keep it going ;) 

Remember, astrology is about harnessing planetary energies to your benefit.  

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now? 

The new moon is exact at 5:35pm (Singapore) today.

Set your intention and release it into the Universe as close to the time as possible for maximum impact.  (Tokyo 6:35pm | Sydney 7:35pm | New York 5:35am)

Use this chance to make the most of it.

Every moment offers you a chance to start afresh. The question is, what would you do with it? 
Love & light,



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