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When the small things count

Julia Ng
Julia Ng
1 min read

How has life been treating you?

If the past weekend (or last few days) brought up issues you thought long-buried (or perhaps have been ignoring), today's your chance to make some conscious decisions around letting go of that baggage and focusing on what you want to do to move on. 

This month, the New Moon's in Virgo. Virgo energy is wonderful for getting organised, digging into the details, being brutally objective. Be sure to balance that with some boundaries - no over-planning, no unnecessary details, no impractical criticism.

Play with Virgo energy by: 

  • Developing tiny habits to improve your life, especially for better health/fitness. It can be as simple as drinking one more cup of water a day, getting more sleep. Whatever your body needs most to be strong and healthy.  
  • Considering what makes you lose sleep. Worries, resentments, grievances... whatever it is that makes you toss in bed at night, take some time to pinpoint exactly what the root of the problem is. Get specific and dig down to the point where you can imagine where the first step to begin solving the problem lies.  
  • Whatever you're working on, be expansive and optimistic, but don't skimp on details and research, especially if you're working on a specific project - leave no stone unturned. It's hard work, but your attention now will save you from having to backtrack later on.  

Optimal, effective, streamlined, pure. Nothing missing. Nothing extra. 

Finally, a quote I stumbled upon recently that really spoke to me (i.e. I need to work on ;)):

Have compassion for everyone you meet, even when they don't want it. What seems conceit, bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone. —Miller Williams  

Keep well, my friends :)

Love & light,



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