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Setting Intentions

Julia Ng
Julia Ng
1 min read

Intentions, Signs & Power 

When I pop into your inbox, you know it must be the New Moon! ;)

This month's New Moon is happening in grounded Taurus.  This New Moon can feel a little heavy for some people, but if you can get past the initial inertia, focused and consistent effort will offer rewards.

Time: 8:29 AM (Singapore) on May 10.
(Tokyo 7:29 AM | Sydney 10:29 AM | New York 8:29 PM)

Set your intentions at that time, or any time after that (just not before.)

How to Set Intentions

Many clients have asked about this topic, and I had planned to release a series of blog posts on it, but since it's the New Moon, here's the whole thing on a private page just for you!

By the way, if you haven't popped by the blog for a while, here are a few new posts for you to check out:

Finally, if you've worked with me before, you'll know how much I believe in Divine Power as the starting point for change. Here's one of my favourite quotes:

The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice. - George Eliot

Have a beautiful May, and perhaps I'll see you before the next New Moon ;)
Love & light,



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