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Happy New Moon + 2014!

Julia Ng
Julia Ng
1 min read

I'm usually not big on New Year Resolutions, but 2014 is the year to declare a few if you're ever going to do it! Not only is the New Moon happening on New Year's Day, but the planets are also beautifully aligned to help anyone make some powerful transformations. 

That said, it's not necessarily going to be easy. True transformation needs to be deep, it goes to the core. Superficial changes, i.e. dealing with the symptoms alone, simply won't cut it. 

Energetically, it's a great time:

  • to look within to see what you wish to rebirth / recreate in your life (you probably know instinctively what it is already - trust yourself on this, be honest. If you know your chart, you can also check out where Pluto is transiting.)
  • to envision your goal or your destination, and how you would like to feel when you get there. This second part is important, don't skip it. If the feeling you came up with is 'happy', go deeper: What would you get from achieving your goal that would make you happy? Why would you be happy?
  • to articulate that vision/dream. What does that vision look like if you had to describe it to a stranger?
  • to plan to experiment and to iterate. This plan is not about setting out a roadmap with locked-in milestones. It's about taking small steps, experimenting, observing the context/process/results, then creating improvement with more tweaks, experiments or even directional change when you see fit. Constant evolution and innovation. (I know, it sounds tiring, but just keep that in mind ;))

Thank YOU~

Finally, a big thank you to you for reading these monthly missives, and walking alongside me on this journey. Your emails sharing your stories and experiences always touch me, and gives me encouragement to keep this going. The Lucid Path wouldn't exist without you, and I want to continue improving in 2014 and beyond. Thank you so very very much!   

Wishing you a 2014 filled with love, courage and wisdom!




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