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Free up your precious mental space

Julia Ng
Julia Ng
2 min read

Make a Little Plan to Reclaim Your Energy

This month's New Moon is in communicative, chatty Gemini, set in a pressure cooker environment (yes, Pluto+Uranus intensity is up once again). Sounds tough, but the good news: wherever there is tension, there is potential for change, transformation, revolution - take your pick ;)

While the specific strategies for directing energy for change lie in your personal chart, each New Moon offers us opportunities to tap into the cosmic flow. 

Most of us get stressed out by information overload and over-communication, affecting our sleep, our energy levels, even our moods. Don't you think it's time to set some new intentions

This New Moon offers us an opportunity to consider and streamline our general communication strategy.  (Times on the right.)

To get deeper into it, focus on the communication aspects (phone calls, meetings, emails etc.) of relationships. It may sound strange, but make a little plan around this cos Saturn in Scorpio LOVES a plan (more on this next time).

  • Who do you want to see more often? e.g. people you feel nurtured by, the people you want to support, the people who share similar sensibilities
  • Who do you want to see less often? e.g. people whose company you enjoy but in limited doses
  • Who don't you want to spend time with anymore? Yup, this may sound harsh, but really, if there's anyone whose texts/emails you dread receiving, it's time to create more distance and see how things go. It could be a temporary thing, or not.
  • Make some loose guidelines for yourself. e.g. set reminders to catch up with people you want to see. Decide how often you want to meet people you want to see less often.
  • For business/work, consider how creating a simple communications system can optimise your time and improve work relationships. e.g. aim to have zero inbox by the end of the week, and create a process to maintain it.

Why? This creates space for you = more energy, more creativity. Make conscious decisions about how you want to spend your energy. 

By the way, all the intention setting posts are 'live' on the site now, and I've added some suggestions for how to work with each one. Check them out here.

Remember, YOU are the creator of your experiences. Own it and direct where your energy goes.

Love & light,

p.s. If you liked this, share it with your besties!~



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