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Breathe into Growth & Evolution

Julia Ng
Julia Ng
2 min read

Are you feeling the Pressure Cooker Astro? This past month, it's become even clearer that empowered decisions and individuation are the way to rock this astro. Not saying it's easy, in fact it's pretty challenging and uncomfortable, but every little step taken that way, seems to get a resounding response from the Universe. How's this showing up for you? 

Also, hope the Mercury Retrograde is treating you well. Some old friends showed up, and there were some last-minute meeting cancellations, but nothing big for me. Mercury goes direct (i.e. back to normal) August 8, so things should go more smoothly then. In the meantime, if you are experiencing communication breakdowns, equipment breakdowns/failure, missing things/data, remind yourself things will change, and remember to breathe :)

What's happening in your life recently? Consider how situations in your life can be used for growth and evolution AND offer an opportunity to create what you want.

By the way, I love that you guys made the effort to subscribe to this, and make time to open and read them. Thank you! ^^ This month's offer is something special I created just for subscribers, so scroll down and do it now!  

Astro for August

This month's main event: Mercury going direct (August 8)

Wherever things seem to have stagnated in your life, the situation has the potential to change, and things will be chugging along, especially from August 17 onwards. From now till then, look at whatever life strategies you've been working on - refine and tweak and get ready to zoom ahead! July was a bit crazy astrologically, so the good news... In August, the intensity lets up a little, and we can all breathe a little easier. The theme of "structured revolution" still stands though.

This & That

Do drop by the Facebook page on weekdays for the daily Tarot~ (If you've liked the page but nothing's showing up, hover over the "Liked" button, and select "Show in News Feed".)

Also, informal survey:

  1. what in the newsletter/Facebook page is interesting to you? It would be tremendously helpful to learn which bits you enjoy :)
  2. what would you personally like to see/read more of in the newsletter?

Let me know! Thanks for reading, and please go back to conquering whatever worlds you conquer in your daily lives. You are awesome just for doing that :)

love & light,


p.s. Teeny reminder: Just a couple of days left to book readings using July's 37% discount~ The reading itself can be done in August. Get it now~)

"Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden, startling joys." —Madeleine L'Engle

Do you have some favourite lines? Share them!

This month's offer

A Card A Week Reading »
One card = a theme for a week. You'll receive 4 themes to last you through 4 weeks. How this helps: you get an anchor for each week - something to draw strength from, to focus on, and to reflect on.

All you have to do:

  1. Reply to this email (before Friday, August 31).
  2. Send your Full Name+Date of Birth.
  3. Check your inbox a couple of days later :)


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