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The Lucid Path

hello, curious soul👋

If you've ever felt that...

  • Life's good, but I feel like there could be more, I could be more.
  • Life's okay... it's not like I've got any real problems but I feel 'off'.
  • I'm going through the motions, the days are an endless loop.
  • I want to know myself better, get clear and awaken my potential.
  • I've never really explored 'this kind of stuff' before but I'm open to what I can learn.

... welcome! This might just be the place for you.

I'm Julia, and am always looking to develop anchors for life and live each day with more intention. I don't have all the answers (who does?😉) but I aim to create space for exploration, questions, ideas, opinions and perspectives through my readings and newsletters. Won't you join me on my journey?

Featured Posts

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New Paths, Soul Connection & It's Okay to Be Me

When clients share their post-reading insights and the changes they've made, I often feel, "More people should hear this!" Because sometimes, when we hear a particular story, told a certain way, something shifts within us—a bubble of desire, an inkling of an idea, a subtle change in perspective.

Recent Posts

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New Moon Dates

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Dress Up, Strap In and Go!

New Moon in Leo Happy New Moon in Leo!  How are you doing? Did your pace of life kick up a notch or two in the last couple of weeks? With the Leo New Moon, what you can do for a quick pick-me-up is to glam things up a bit,

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It's Lights, Camera, Action!

New Moon in Cancer Say hello to the New Moon! :) The KEY thing to note is that whichever life area that's been feeling stuck since mid-April, it is getting a move on from now, so get your gear on and be ready to make some moves. Momentum is