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How an Akashic Record reading can help you tap into your soul gifts and change your perspective to live a more intentional life

Julia Ng
Julia Ng
7 min read
How an Akashic Record reading can help you tap into your soul gifts and change your perspective to live a more intentional life
Photo by Jeremy Thomas / Unsplash

In this article, I'm going to focus on a particular type of Akashic Record reading – an Akashic Record soul profile reading, or what I call a Soul Portrait (to differentiate it from other kinds of Akashic Record readings).

A Soul Portrait is like an MBTI or Enneagram report, but for your soul. While the Four Tendencies (Gretchen Rubin), MBTI and the Enneagram approach matters from the standpoint of expectations, behaviour and motivation respectively, a Soul Portrait looks at the energies that your soul is made up of, what it is driven to express and its journey on the path to wholeness.

When I worked in film & TV production, one of the first things we did as crew was break down the script to know what would be needed take things from script to screen. The script contained the fundamental ingredients we needed, but not the recipe. It needed someone with a vision to take it from words on a page, to images on the screen.

Similarly, you, the living, incarnated human, have to take the essential energies you are made up of at the soul level, and express it into the world.

And the exciting part about this is that, there is no one, predesignated way you're supposed to express this energy – instead, you'll naturally be drawn to expressing your energies in your own distinctive way.

Think about it... what would Spirited Away look like in the hands of John Woo? Or Mad Max in the hands of Sofia Coppola? Completely different films, right? In the same way, two people with similar soul energies (like communication) can express them entirely differently – one might become a singer, another a writer, and yet another a teacher. Sometimes these gifts manifest as careers, while for others they emerge as passionate hobbies or simply as natural parts of everyday life.

How is a Soul Portrait different from other Akashic Record readings?

A Soul Portrait is different from other Akashic Record readings because it is structured and specific. The research is done using a set of carefully-worded questions, designed to do gather a particular set of information, in order to create the report. (I primarily align with Anna Sayce's principles and methodology, and in the past I'd studied Soul Realignment.)

This structured and precise approach is an important aspect of the reading because the quality of the answers you get, depends partly on the quality of the questions you ask.

Preparing this reading is like writing a focused research paper with very specific guidelines, using certain sources, while a general Akashic Record reading is like using the entire internet – they are different tools for different purposes.

What goes into your Soul Portrait

In a Soul Portrait, there are four sections because to me, it flows like a life story, except that it's the life story of a soul, with many lifetimes, instead of one human in one lifetime. I offer three versions of it – the Mini, the Essentials and the Works (more on these options at the end).

Section I: Soul Profile

We start with the three areas that describe the deepest, innermost part of you, those innate qualities that your soul is made up of. They are eternal and stay with you from lifetime to lifetime.

It speaks to:

  • What comes to you so naturally that you might not realise this is what makes you you!
  • What you may find challenging as a soul in a human body
  • What you’re being called to express into your life

If we think of it in human terms, it's a little bit like this: our soul group is where we were born, our roots (hometown/nationality), then we went to school to do our archangelic realm of training, and then took a PhD and developed career expertise in our soul trainings. Souls have a lot to do! 😄

Soul Group aka your Star Seed Origins

As you know, where you're born gives you certain qualities – mindsets, beliefs, traditions, culture – that are different from people born in other countries. Same for your soul. Star seeds or star travellers' have their first incarnation in some place other than Earth, so some feel like they don't really belong here.

When I learnt about this, I found it hilarious because I sometimes joke that I'm an alien waiting for my mothership to come beam me up and take me home. Who knew!

Archangelic Realm (or Energy Centre) of Training

There are 8 Archangelic realms, each containing a certain group of energies. While we all work with the energies of all 8 realms, your archangelic realm of training is the energy that you've chosen to work with the most as a soul.

That means you bring in those energies naturally, even if you're not conscious of it; and because Earth is a place of polarities, each realm of training has its own particular set of challenges if it is out of balance.

Soul trainings

Soul trainings are what our souls do between incarnations. Some we experience more as mindsets, tendencies or preferences, while others attract certain types of experiences.

Section II: Past Life Influences

Your soul is on a long journey, and each lifetime is a destination. Past life influences highlights certain stopping points and themes that have made an impact on your soul.

A glimpse into past life influences

You'll learn how many earthly incarnations you've had, the places and periods in history as well as spiritual traditions and religions that have been impactful for your soul.

This is mostly for interest's sake – for some people, they find that this explains their interests in certain topics, while for others, these offer starting points to explore new topics.

Past life roles

In each lifetime, we take on certain roles as a member of society. The roles you've taken on most frequently, give us a clue as to what life lessons you might have been working on, as well as the mindsets and behaviours you might have developed.

These may or may not serve you well in this life, but gaining awareness around this can help you to put your experiences into perspective and to support you in making conscious choices.

Section III: This Lifetime

Your life lessons

Souls incarnate on Earth as part of their journey to develop wholeness. As imperfect fragments of Source/God, even as we have our soul gifts, there are qualities that we lack. Earth, a place of polarities, is where souls choose to incarnate into flesh-and-blood bodies that hold emotions and thoughts – it's like an Olympics arena for soul growth!

So, even though they're commonly called 'life lessons', it's less 'I hope you've learnt your lesson!', and more in the vein of 'having experienced both the presence and lack of X, and everything in between, I now deeply know what it is.'

In a way, life lessons are a bridge from the previous section into our current lifetime because we take quite a number of lifetimes to complete a set of life lessons; whatever life lessons you're working on now, there's a good chance, you've worked on it in past lifetime(s) before.

Your life focus(es)

As for life focuses, there are four of them: learning, support, rejuvenation (holiday) and/or contribution. While we experience all of them in different periods of our lives, your primary life focus is the main reason you incarnated for this lifetime.

Briefly, the priorities for each life focus are:

  1. Learning: working on your life lessons and path of growth
  2. Support: supporting other souls on their path
  3. Rejuvenation: getting energetically refuelled (usually after some intense lifetimes)
  4. Contribution: working with certain groups or in certain areas for the advancement of humanity


Archetypes are additional soul gifts we have for this lifetime – they may be from past lives or chosen for for this lifetime. Sometimes they 'boost' soul gifts we already have from our soul group, archangelic realm of training and soul trainings by strengthening or balancing them, and/or adding nuance. Other times, they aren't related at all and are more like a bonus tool in our toolkit so to speak.

Natural gifts

There are two types of natural gifts: intuitive & empath. Because intuitive gifts connect us with our higher self and Spirit, it's worth learning where your intuitive strengths lie so that you can further develop your intuitive skills in those areas. Empath gifts help us to connect with energies on the Earthly plane, such as other people, places, plants and so on.

The Spiritual Energies Around You

We receive energetic support from Divine beings (Archangels, Ascended Masters, Goddesses etc.) as we go through life. Some reasons they show up in this section: we have a past life connection with them, we called on them (or their energy), or they offer the kind of energetic support we need at this point in time. This section also includes the number of Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides you have.

Section IV: Desired Outcomes

(This section is only in 'The Works' version of the Soul Portrait.)

When you send me your details for your reading, I ask for one desired outcome that you'd like to manifest in your life. I'll research and analyse the state of your desired outcome by looking at how aligned you are (in behaviour, thoughts, emotions) to it, the energetic states you're embodying, and whether you're tapping into your intuition.

Taking different perspectives from the broad to the specific, can give you insight into your alignment to your desired outcome, and also offer clues as to what you can do to manifest it.

At the end of the reading, I ask your Guides for the 'most important and practical' thing you should know (at the time of the reading), and wrap things up with a summary and some perspective on your Soul Portrait.

Which Soul Portrait is right for you?

I've designed three options based on what I found most valuable in my own spiritual journey:

  • The Mini: Learn about your soul group and Archangelic realm of training. Perfect if you're curious and want a peek into your own soul, or want to get a reading 'just for fun'.
  • The Essentials = The Mini + A glimpse into past life influences, life lessons, life focus, connection to your higher self and a message from your Spirit Guides. Ideal if you want to get to know your soul gifts and gain a soul-level perspective of your life. When I learnt my life lessons and life focus, my life made more sense, and I started seeing my experiences through a different lens.
  • The Works = The Essentials + soul training(s), archetypes, intuitive & empath gift(s), the spiritual energies around you and vibrational alignment to your desired outcome. If you are actively pursuing your life purpose and want to manifest a desired outcome, the additional sections add detail to your soul gifts, and the last section helps to clarify where to focus your attention.

Ready for Your Close-Up?

While a Soul Portrait is full of fascinating information, think of it as a starting point for self-discovery, exploration and intentional living. If you're ready to dig in, I'd love to be your soul researcher and help you uncover the gifts you're meant to share with the world. 😊

Have questions? Feel free to get in touch!
