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New Paths, Soul Connection & It's Okay to Be Me

When clients share their post-reading insights and the changes they've made, I often feel, "More people should hear this!" Because sometimes, when we hear a particular story, told a certain way, something shifts within us—a bubble of desire, an inkling of an idea, a subtle change in perspective.

Julia Ng
Julia Ng
5 min read

Fang, a media professional based in Singapore, got her first reading with me in her early 30s. She's is an absolute inspiration for her willingness to experiment with connecting with her soul and bringing its energies into her life in a practical way. I also admire her courage in exploring new paths and taking on new challenges.

Here's Fang in her own words!

Do you remember why you got a reading?

I was fascinated when my friend told me about her reading. It mentioned her fear of water, which is so true! Because she can’t even watch movies that are set underwater or in the deep sea. And when she talked about her past lives, I thought, that’s interesting to know. I was just curious at that point.

So you weren’t looking to solve a problem or achieve a goal?

At the beginning, no. But after that, yes. It's become one of my avenues when I feel like I'm stuck in life. 

Did you try other readings (in general) before, or were you even interested in this kind of reading?

I did a tarot card reading before but it wasn't anything life-changing. 

After I did my first soul reading, I got even more intrigued, and I did a Bazi reading and also astrology (which Julia did for me). It sort of started a chain reaction. 

How did you feel after getting the reading?

After my reading, I was still a little bit sceptical, of course. So, I tested my spirit guides in the middle of the night. 

I said, “If you are really there, make the baby behind cry,” and immediately the baby cried.

Then I felt sorry and said, “Please, I'll test you the second and final time. If you are really really there, make the baby stop crying,” and the baby stopped immediately.

After that test, I was sold. I guess my spirit guides knew that I would test them!

What were your biggest takeaways after your readings?

The one thing that struck me was that I see things in black and white, and sometimes I see the path to the goal very clearly, but I must allow people to take their own path to that same goal. 

That was a very big lesson I took away from that very first reading because I always used to tell people what to do—it was very clear to me that ‘this is the best way’. But it frustrates people. 

So now, I let people take their own path, unless they reach out to me, and the people around me are not so frustrated with me. I now try to voice things only when I know for sure that someone might get into trouble unless they take a certain route, otherwise I just let things be. 

What changes did this new mindset bring into your life?

It was a struggle and at times, it still is. But I do observe and realise that truly, everyone has a different path laid out for them, it has made me feel more at ease.

This has also gradually led me to the path of self-awareness, mindfulness and being kinder, which is the journey I’m on right now. I’ve actually engaged a life coach and I also started meditating. I recently completed a 30-day meditation course! 

I think my Soul Portrait made me more open to things, and one thing led to another, then everything just... snowballed.

What other benefits or positive outcomes did you get from your reading?

At my first reading, Julia told me that I have to engage with my gut feelings more. But I was, “What is that? I don't even know what that is.” 

After that, especially in the last two years, I figured out how to really engage with my gut feelings. It helps me in my daily life, so I like using it, and I'm about 80-90% accurate now. Whenever I have a question or any doubts, I just ask, and I’ll literally get this buzz from my stomach to my body that spreads to the whole body. 

The plant empathy gift is also very true. I love plants and somehow I just know how to take care of them. I get very happy when they do well. 

The other very big thing beyond the benefits for myself is that I'm able to share it with my friends or people that I care about. When they get a reading and tell me that they tell me they achieved clarity, that a weight’s been taken off their chest, I'm very happy for them! That is a very big reward. That ability to extend a helping hand. The interesting thing is that I don’t relate it to everyone. It’s like a fate thing.

What about takeaways from the new PDF reading? 

Actually, before I did this reading, I’ve always believed that déjà vu are because I have another self or selves that have experienced it before, instead of how it’s a sign from the universe.

So when I learnt that I'm a star traveller and a Parallel, I related it back to déjà vu—it totally explains why I have this very deep belief about déjà vu, that it means I have other lives in the multiverse—it's because I'm a Parallel!

Also, when I got my Soul Portrait and gave it to a friend to read, she said, “Yeah, you know, it totally explains why you're such a free spirit.

To me, there’s this disparity in my life. My life lesson is success, and a big big part of me is work—so when I'm focused, I'm very, very focused. But I also have that very playful and YOLO side of me. I never question myself, as in, “Will people take me seriously?” It's not important to me. 

So it's quite interesting that it literally showed up in the reading as one of my archetypes. It's like, “Oh, okay, then. Yeah, it's okay to be like this.

Overall, it gave me a lot of clarity about my life.

What does Julia bring to the reading?

I like that she explains things in very layman terms. It's not full of spiritual jargon that I don't understand and it’s not peppered with a lot of flowery words. 

It's just so clear and simple, like a friend talking to you, which is exactly what I need. Don't give me something complicated, just tell it to me in the simplest terms so that I can understand.

An aspect of the reading you think could be improved?

It's a bit lengthy, but the thing is, different people will want different portions. So I think it’s best for people to just focus on what they want. 

I find it useful that every time I go back to read it, I find a new revelation.

When would you recommend a Soul Portrait, and why? 

When friends are stuck. I’d ask more and share my experience with my own reading.

It's a lot of slowly sharing and letting them decide whether it's for them. 

Some of them are like, “Oh, I’m not sure,” and they’ll take a while. But when they reach a point where they really feel like they need help, they will approach Julia.

Do you feel like you're bringing your soul energies into your life? How so?

Very much so, yeah, 100%. The big one at this point in my life is definitely tapping into the gut feeling, using my clairsentience. I think of it as my superpower!

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